Did You Sing Your Song?

This still-new year, 2020, is proving to have happy surprises for me. My book of poetry, Did You Sing Your Song?, has been released by Material Media, a small press here in San Antonio. Some of you have purchased the book, and have given me such gracious feedback. One person said that the voice heard in the poems is “authentic.” That’s feedback that every writer craves! Others have told me that they are reading the poems a day at a time, sometimes using them for reflection and meditation. One woman said, “These are the first poems about grief that have spoken to me.” I am so grateful for the hospitality being offered to the book, and for the readers who are letting me know which poems speak to them. If you are interested in buying a copy, you can purchase one in San Antonio at The Twig Bookstore at The Pearl. Online, you may purchase a book from the publisher, Material Media. Here’s the link:


 You may also purchase the book online, though I’d prefer that you support either The Twig or Material Media.

 My friend Christine Valters Painter has featured Did You Sing Your Song? on her website:


Christine joined Roberta Bondi and Olga Samples-Davis in endorsing my book; I am so grateful for the gracious and supportive community of poets.

 Here are a couple of poems from the book to stir your interest:


Rock, water, earth, sky—

These very atoms are kin to me, kin to you.

When this flesh becomes dust,

I look forward to the reunion,

to the joining again with these elements

that somehow become living bodies.


Rock, water, earth, sky—

Light within sea, life within rock.

Death within life, and life within death.


Rock, water, earth, sky—

The One who made you

made me likewise,

and we are kin, you and I.



Flash of fin in a curling wave.

Whirr of feathers in the ancient oak.

Glint of moon shadows patterning the grass.

Heaps and humps of tunneled earth.

Ripples and flutters in a quickening womb.

Hints. Suggestions. Glimmerings.


Keep watch.